A week before Valentine’s Day is the day you are most likely to be dumped. It’s so bad that it’s called Red Tuesday.
Turn your phone off. Log out of Facebook. Don’t take any risks – disable your Twitter account.
According to IllicitEncounters.com, who surveyed 3,000 people, 1 in 5 of us has dumped someone in the week before V-Day. The 7th of February is the most popular day to end a relationship.
Why are people breaking up just before the most romantic holiday of the year? Blame the most romantic day of the year! Grrrrr..
57% of breaker-uppers gave ‘fear of the dreaded proposal’ as a key reason, either worried about receiving a proposal or feeling pressurized into making a proposal that they weren’t ready for.
How to Dump Someone on Red Tuesday
Breaking up is never easy, especially considering the timing, so how do you do it? Most people will do anything to avoid face-to-face contact. Why not use your phone, like 7 out of 10 of us?
1. The number one way? Texting

Use celebrities to make your point
2. A phone call

Try these guys, they’ll do it for you
3. Break up with somebody in person

Don’t do it somewhere near a Twitter machine
4. Facebook

Mark begs to differ
5. Whatsapp

Don’t give them a chance for a snarky comeback
6. Twitter

Everyone gets video game references, right?