Make your dream come true – if your dream is a giant Jerry Maguire Pyramid in the dessert

“Everything is Terrible” is reconstructing a video store from 1996 that only offers 14,000 VHS copies of Cameron Crowe’s beloved rom-com Jerry Maguire.

L.A.’s tech geekery-themed iam8bit gallery, which in the past has hosted exhibitions like “CONSPIRACIES, MONSTERS & MYTHOLOGY: An X-Files Art Show” and “So You Created a Wormhole,” will host the “video store.”

The 14,000 copies of the VHS were gathered via donation – with 1,300 copies coming from one person!

Watch the numbers rise on the ludicrous online leader board here.

How will they show you the money?

“All proceeds benefit EIT’s lifelong mission to construct a permanent #JerryPyramid in the desert where all Jerrys will live forever. Seriously.”


Every donation received at the store will go towards building this absolute monstrosity and if you can’t make it, they ask you to send financial donations online or by mailing more Jerrys to PO Box 50825, Los Angeles, CA 90050.

“This is the stupidest incarnation of the American dream and it must be realized,” they conclude. You can RSVP here

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