Carebear says: Temporary Insanity – it turns us into big meanies

This carebear is gonna carebear stare you
Now, Grumpy Bear, I know you’re not really feeling… you’re not entirely yourself right now. That’s why I want you to listen, okay? I want you to understand your feelings before you do something we’d both regret.
Remember Cold Heart? Do you remember him, Grumpy Bear? He wasn’t a very nice person, was he? He was always trying to freeze something or other. Cold Heart was insane, Grumpy. He was pretty sure that the world worked a little bit differently than it actually does, and that he was completely justified in trying to turn Carealot into a giant lump of snow. Cold Heart didn’t know how to care.
Wait, wait, wait! Just… just keep your tummy pointed at the wall for now. Just listen, Grumpy.
Sometimes, you see… sometimes things happen that make us really angry, right? Like, remember that time that everyone ate that tainted pie, and we all got really unfriendly? It’s kind of like that. Something happens to make us so angry that we forget – just for a little while – how to care about people, and that turns us into big meanies, like Cold Heart.
Now, Grumpy Bear… when you walked in on me and Cheer Bear, it made you pretty unhappy, didn’t it? Especially since she was only supposed to do the tummy-rubbing dance with you. The thing is hold on, wait, just listen, please! Th… thank you. The thing is, when you saw… that… it made you forget how to care, but only for a little while. In a few minutes, you’ll remember how to care, and then you’ll know that you shouldn’t Carebear Stare me.
You see, Grumpy? You’re not really insane, you’re just temporarily insane. Any minute now, you’ll feel better, and you can go back to being an anthropomorphic bear with a magic tattoo on his stomach who lives in a flying castle and spies on children all day.
You can go back to sanity.
Via Ramses The Pigeon on Reddit, who knows his carebear lore.